Monday, October 20, 2008

Power Stash

Whatdayall think of my new look? Should I keep it or retire it lick-a-dee-split? Polls are open to your right.


Anonymous said...

uh, no.

You look like a blonde Snidely Whiplash.

Try a goatee with it and post again.

: )

Jason and Vanessa said...

Now you look like one of those super cheesy pilots,...but i think that is cool so I voted yes!

amanda said...

I agree - go for the goatee!

Anonymous said...

I suggest growing it big and bushy and long on the ends. Then curl the ends up and you shall look like an inventor pilot.

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with my husband and vote a big NO. You look like a cop out of the 80's all that said in love of course.

Vanessa D

The Sappingtons said...

ok, my comment didn't get posted, so maybe i laughed a little too much. sorry :(
stash or not, we still love ole curt!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you like like Mattingly. Thats reaosn enough for anyone.

Unknown said...

Love David's comment, completely agree! I have to say I voted to shave it but I love the throw back to the 70's style, especially if you wear that heinous Whalers jacket while you are still sporting the stash!

Stephanie Rohloff said...

umm...interesting. It is very...ummm...lets just say I voted NO!

Anonymous said...

dear brother,
what happened to obama?
he was there and then he was gone.
love, snibs

ps - lose the mustache.